Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Manage your profile

Share more about yourself on your profile to help Hosts and guests on Airbnb get to know you better. Your Profile is a way to provide some simple personal details that bring you to life as a person and build trust with Hosts you might want to stay with, or guests who are interested in staying at your listing. Details you choose to share about yourself may be highlighted across the Airbnb platform to Hosts and guests.

What information is shown on your profile

Your user profile includes information that shares who you are with other people on Airbnb. This information varies whether you’re a Host, guest or both.

Information that is automatically shown on your profile may include:

  • Host:
    • First name. This will be your preferred first name, or business name, if you have added one. If not, this is the legal first name on your account.
    • Year you joined Airbnb
    • Years being a Host on Airbnb
    • Average star rating
    • If your account information has been confirmed, like your identity or email
    • Reviews by guests
    • Reviews you’ve left
    • Whether you’re a Host Advisory Board member
    • Whether you’re an supporter
    • Whether you’re a Superhost
  • Guest:
    • First name. This will be your preferred first name, if you have added one. If not, this is the legal first name on your account.
    • Year you joined Airbnb
    • If your account information has been confirmed, like your identity or email
    • Reviews by Hosts
    • Reviews you’ve made about stays

Optional information you can choose to provide on your profile includes:

  • Your photo
  • Answers to profile questions, like languages spoken and where you live
  • An introduction
  • Your interests
  • Your travel history, shown as travel stamps

          What information is optional on your profile

          It’s important you have control over what information is shared on your Airbnb profile. Airbnb automatically adds some information to your profile, as described above. Any additional information you choose to add to your profile is optional. This means that which and how much information is included – like what languages you speak, where you live or your interests – is up to you.

          You can’t edit the decade you were born or travel stamps representing your past trips, but you can choose not to show them your profile. Remember that all information you provide on your profile should meet the standards of our content policy.

          If you’re a Host, consider what a guest may think about the information you include, as it may set expectations for them. For example, if you include “What’s for breakfast”, a guest may expect you to make breakfast for them, and offering add-ons, in some places, may have tax and regulatory implications too.

          And while we encourage all users to have profile photos, and require them for Hosts, guest profile photos will only be shown after a confirmed booking.

          If you’re submitting a request to book an Icon, you may be required to complete specific fields or portions of your profile, but you can always edit or delete info from your profile later.

          How to edit your profile photo

          Edit your photo on desktop

          1. Click Profile > Edit profile
          2. Next to your profile photo, click Edit
          3. Add a photo and then click Submit

          Update your Profile settings from being searchable by search engines (e.g., Google)

          1. Go to your Account
          2. Select Privacy & Sharing
          3. Select Sharing

          Toggle on/off to include your Profile and Listings in search engines.

          Turning this on means search engines, like Google, will display your profile and listing pages in search results.

          Where else your profile information may appear

          Any information shown on your user profile can be seen by other users of the Airbnb community. Your information may also be highlighted to users across Airbnb, outside of your profile. This includes:

          • For private rooms Hosts:
            • Profile previews in search: We may include a preview of your Host profile in search results, when guests are searching for a Room on Airbnb.
            • Occupation highlights in search: The occupation you include on your profile may show in searches alongside your listing. Learn how to update this field.
            • Listing page: We may also show a preview of your profile on your listing page.
          • For all Hosts:
            • Listing page: People can reach your profile by tapping on your profile picture

          on your listing page.

          • Guests:
            • When requesting to book: A limited version of your profile is shown to a Host if you request to book a stay. In this case, before booking, we hide your profile photo but show your first name and reviews. We may also show other details from your profile, such as past trips represented as travel stamps, the location you’re based in, the languages you speak and your interests.
            • Reviews on listing pages: If a prospective guest is looking at a listing, they can view that listing’s reviews – including any you’ve written. Guests can visit your full profile from any review by you.

          How is your personal information used?

          We use your profile information, like other personal information, in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy

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