Add amenities to a listing
Add amenities to a listing
From hand towels to hot tubs, listing all your amenities lets guests know what to expect from your place – and helps them decide if it’s the perfect fit.
Many guests filter search results by amenities, so adding everything you offer may help you increase bookings.
Adding or editing amenities
- Click Listings and select the listing you want to edit
- Under Listing editor, click Your space
- Click Amenities
- Click + to add amenities or click Edit to delete amenities
- Review and then click Done
- Tap Profile and then tap Switch to hosting
- Tap Listings and select the listing you want to edit
- Under Listing editor, tap Your space
- Tap Amenities
- Tap + to add amenities or tap Edit to delete amenities
- Tap Profile and then tap Switch to hosting
- Tap Listings and select the listing you want to edit
- Under Listing editor, tap Your space
- Tap Amenities
- Tap + to add amenities or tap Edit to delete amenities
- Tap Listings and select the listing you want to edit
- Under Listing editor, tap Your space
- Tap Amenities
- Tap + to add amenities or tap Edit to delete amenities
- Review and then tap Done
Additional amenities categories
Whether you’re providing the essentials for a pleasant stay or welcoming all with accessibility features, check out all the possible amenities you can add to your listing. Categories include:
- Basics
- Bathroom
- Bedroom and laundry
- Entertainment
- Family
- Heating and cooling
- Home safety
- Internet and office
- Kitchen and dining
- Location features
- Outdoor
- Parking and facilities
- Services
Learn how preparing your space and updating your listing can increase bookings in the Resource Centre.
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